The first time I saw the show was on Broadway. I remember when the show was over, I felt completely overwhelmed. I couldn't even get out of my seat. It was as if everyone in the theatre had experienced something so emotionally powerful, that we all just needed a minute to breathe.
After RENT closed on Broadway, my friends and I ended up at our local movie theatre to watch the taping of the final performance.
And when RENT made its way over to the Pantages, I was there closing night.
It is quite obvious that RENT is one of my favorite shows, so when I found out that it was making its way over to the Lewis Family Playhouse, right in my own backyard, I was stoked.
RENT will open at the Lewis Family Playhouse in March, and it will be directed by Ron Kellum & Courtney Corey. And if ya wanna see a bad ass portrayal of Maureen, please youtube Courtney Corey.
I was beyond grateful when I was asked to assist with the audition process, as the directors scoped out talent in both L.A. and Rancho. It wasn't just the voices that I heard that was magic, it was the essence of the people who showed up to the auditions. The show hasn't been cast yet, but it was amazing to see all of these people embrace the meaning of the show.
I know what it's like to be in the shoes of a person auditioning. It can be stressful and emotionally exhausting. You keep telling yourself to just have fun and go for it, and the other half of you is scared shitless and suddenly feeling self-conscious. You overanalyze everything that is said to you, and you feel like you're on a reality dating show. Been there done that. And even if that is what these actors were feeling on the inside, they exuded something completely different to me. I couldn't get over how completely supportive everyone was of each other. There was no nasty gossiping or trying to psyche each other out right before they had to go in and sing. Everyone seemed to have a buddy system. If one actor was M.I.A., another actor not only knew where he/she was, but would take the time to tell me so he wouldn't miss his turn to sing. At the beginning of the call-back process, the original plan was to have the Marks and Rogers sing last, so all of those guys knew that they had a long night ahead of them. When plans switched around, and the Rogers were called earlier, everyone in the holding room literally cheered for them. Everyone was a team, and everyone was in it together. A couple people even gave me a hug before they left and thanked me for sticking it out with them through the process. I can't wait to see how everything comes together.