Sunday, May 30, 2010

Adventures with Short Round.

I got a new car last summer after totaling my old car in a accident.

Long story short, I ended up getting the cutest little jeep I could find, and I lovingly named him Short Round...after the adorable asian kid in the "The Temple of Doom." In case people didn't put it together that Short Round is an Indiana Jones reference, I spent the first month driving the car blaring the Indiana Jones soundtrack out my window. I almost went as far as to get an Indy hat just to wear while driving Short Round....looking back on it, I must've looked sort of foolish. You see, me driving around blaring indiana jones music out of my car means absolutely nothing to the people driving around me, because:
A) I didn't take into consideration the fact that I did not tell the people in the cars around me that my car is named, "short round."
b) I thought i'd have a "b" but apparently I don't.

So maybe I'm the only one who appreciates the fact that the car is named Short Round, but it's ok. We've almost been together a year, and we've had some good times.

I've been driving a lot more lately, and I've realized that my imagination completely gets the best of me when I drive. I have figured out that Short Round is either lucky or cursed. Yesterday while driving on the freeway, we were hit with a surprise bird attack who was in the mood for a #2...wait...did I say one attack? I meant 2.
Yes...2 attacks back to back....2 different birds.
At first I was annoyed...but then I thought, "what are the odds? Out of all the cars on the freeway, we just happened to get hit twice."
It HAS to be lucky. It just has to be.

I use my navigator to go EVERYWHERE because I have ZERO sense of direction. I decided to go without my navigator tonight as I pulled off the freeway to get gas.
I got lost.
I ended up near Griffith Park and it was pitch black and I kept seeing horse trails everywhere I went...then I randomely drove by a collection of old trains. It was incredible. I wanted to keep driving in the wrong direction to see what else there was, but realized that in that moment, if my life were a movie, i was quickly approaching the rape scene. It was just too dark and creepy and there were no other cars around.

Speaking of creepy, as I drove home tonight I realized that I could see my my sideview mirror...on the passenger side....wait...that's not right....
I immediately thought of the movie, "Urband Legend," and started thinking, "what if some guy jumped in my car when I was at that gas station, and now he's waiting until I'm all the way out in rancho cucamonga before he makes his move?"
Then it dawned on me that the Urband Legend story was in no way related to my situation. My sideview mirror was completely bent inward.
Did I side-swipe a building today and not realize it?
Did someone hit my car and maybe didn't have a pen to write a note?
I finally got home, looked at the mirror, and remembered that the side view mirrors tuck in so that they won't get hit. Of course, I forgot that minor detail today.

And now I'm rambling on. Soooo tired. Time to sleep.