Sunday, April 04, 2010


Woke up at 6am.
Which I pushed to 6:30...
Then pushed to 6:40.
Finally woke up to a right eye that didn't want to open.
I mean quite literally did not want to open. I lost my ointment that temporarily treats my alleged case of "corneal dystrophy," and since I haven't hauled myself over to CVS lately, the consequence is only being able to painlessly open one eye in the morning.

Helped mom clean the house.
More like she cleaned and I pretended to clean until my coffee kicked in.

The coffee never kicked in.
Neither did the green tea.
Redbull could've been an option but I tried to convince myself that it's bad for my heart, then decided "waste of money" is a better excuse. The real reason I didn't end up with a redbull was because to be honest, I had a shaky hand when applying my eyeliner, and had to redo it, causing me to run out the door late.

Had to work on Easter. Only for a couple hours, and for the most part it was fine. Busy...but fine. The best part about working on holidays, is that when people upset you, you get to have thoughts like, "Well, I'd stop complaining if I were you because at least you're out with your family and instead I'm working on a holiday and having to deal with you."

You see, when you're not working on a holiday, you get to have the same thoughts, but you can't add the phrase, "working on a holiday."
"Working on a holiday" makes it SO much more dramatic.
Moving on.

Got home.
Ate like a frickin' pig. Which is fine, since you're allowed to throw all rules out the window on a holiday. I only worry about my eating habits PF Changs...somewhere in the world, it had to be a holiday yesterday...right? Just so that I can justify my obscene display of eating that took place?

Moving on.

My brother and I never grew out of easter egg hunts. Something about the idea of running around the yard searching for things...anything...has always been appealing. This year, my little cousin elected himself to be the official "hider of the eggs"...only this year, he hid beer cans and plastic eggs filled with vouchers to be redeemed for mini Sailor Jerry's and Jose. So there we were....A kid in junior high watching excitedly as his master plan unfolded in the yard...while a bunch of grown kids ran around the yard scooping beer cans out of trees and bushes.

It was fantastic.

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