Sunday, March 07, 2010

Brain Constipation.

It's exactly 1:23 a.m. I vowed that I would be sleeping already so that I would be ready for the 12:30 call-time in the morning, but alas, still awake. My brain is completely constipated. It's backed up with a story or rant, and I feel like there's a synapse somewhere that is misfiring because I can't for the life of me tell you what the story is...I just know that it's there...somewhere. So I'm going to tap away at this keyboard until something, anything comes out so that I can feel at peace and finally get some sleep.

I guess I can tell you about my day.

I woke up at 11 a.m. which is absurd for me. I can't sleep in without feeling guilty. I managed to roll out of bed and throw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I must add that it was pouring down rain when I awoke, so I had already started the day off on a weird note.

Woke up starving and acutely aware that there was no food in the house. Finding no way to justify having a beer for breakfast, I treated my brother to breakfast.

Fell asleep watching Saw III, which upsets me because I have actually been meaning to catch up on my Saw flix.

Drove in the rain and realized that my Jeep is still leaking when it pours. The plastic casing around my ceiling lights filled up with water and leaked all over the dash board. It was a water ride in the front seat of my car today. I probably won't take my car in to get it fixed...not because I don't want to spend the money, because to be honest, do you know anyone who gets rained on while driving their car? I thought not. Now I can be that person for you.

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