Wednesday, March 17, 2010

i wish that were me.

I hit a landmark year.
which means 2 things.
I can rent a car.
I can also start "accidentally lying about my age" and have it viewed as being ok by society.
Age is just a number right? That's my new's also the motto of most 18-year-old boys who are chasing after the 25-year-old erika's of the world.
Turning a new age always makes me think. It's another excuse to take inventory of myself and find the things that need to be fixed because let's face it...if you're not improving...what are you doing?

Here's me as of now:

I don't open my mail. I have too much faith in the internet and figure that all my bill payment info that I ever need to know about is resting someplace in cyberland, so there is no need for me to open my mail. All the same, I never throw my mail out. I'm petrified there's an account number on the piece of unopened mail that someone will run across and steal my identity.

My tendency to be "an open book" is NOT a clear example that I am a confident person. I'm starting to realize that I am the most insecure person I know. I'll tell you more than you want to hear to make you think I'm completely extroverted. To be honest, I'm shy as hell.

I am the perfect example of a "Google society." I can tell you how to become a yoga instructor, what your name means in the urban dictionary, how to find vile shaped shot glasses or how to earn a Master's Degree in Ireland...but I can barely remember to do my laundry.

I drink too much water. It sounds like a good thing, but it's a curse when your body wakes you up at 3am every morning to down another bottle.

I have an irrational fear of possums.

I loathe the fact that restaurants now list the amount of calories for each item. It makes you look like an ass in front of your friends. If I order the 1,000 calorie nachos instead of a salad, then I'm the idiotic friend who doesn't care and ordered the 1,000 calorie nachos. If I mention that the nachos contain 1,000 calories, then I'm the friend who worries too much about my weight. Lose/lose situation.

Starbucks drive-thru tip jars make me nervous. I never carry cash. Therefore, I can never tip. I guess it goes the same if I ordered inside rather than in the drive-thru, but staring at that lonely tip jar alone on the outside counter makes me feel more sorry for it.

Sometimes I wake up and look in the mirror and I love my nose. I love my weird nose and how it fits on my face. Other mornings I hate it. Is there such thing as temporary plastic surgery? Just for the days that my nose bugs me? Don't get me wrong, I don't want permanent plastic surgery, but once in a blue moon on those "bad nose" days would be nice.

I always forget to tweeze my eyebrows.

I give in easily to peer pressure. If the lemmings jump off the cliff I'm not only following, but I probably posted a status update on facebook saying how proud I am that I'm following.

I've become a pro at streaming free tv online. I could tell you where to find everything from a new episode of "Big Bang Theory," to the original "Dawson's Creek" series.

I've just realized that I have not come up with a way to improve upon myself, but listing some of your weird flaws/habits has to be a good just has to be.

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